L.A. rockers THE FREEKS share new album « Crazy World » in full before April 27th release on Heavy Psych Sounds!
- HPS Records, psychedelic, punk rock, rock'n'roll, Ruben Romano, The Freeks
- 25/04/2018
The Obelisk (USA/world)
Rumore Magazine (Italy)
THE FREEKS enter 2018 with the completion of their fourth full length and second HPS Records release, “Crazy World”. A studio album comprising of eight songs that take you on a psychedelic journey from hidden moonlit distilleries, all the way up to the Mothership and back down to Mother Earth. It could have happened in 2700 BC and it’s definitely happening again now as the foursome continues to ferment their ethanol infused fuzz rock, beading their songwriting to reflect a heavier content and extract added amounts of psychoactive chemicals from the minds of their listeners.
Available March 27th on Heavy Psych Sounds Records
Vinyl and CD pre-order available now HERE
Ruben Romano (founding member of Fu Manchu and Nebula) returns at the helm, supported by Bob Lee on drums (Claw Hammer, Mike Watt), Esteban Chavez on keys, Jonathan Hall on guitar (Backbiter) and introducing the latest Freek on bass, Ray Piller (Biblical Proof of U.F.O.’s). “Crazy World” features some amazing musical guests that add to the insanity and continue their “All Are Welcome” legacy. With ripping guitar leads by Ray Hanson (from legendary Thee Hypnotics), added keys and synths from returning Freek alumni Glenn Slater (The Walkabouts/Wellwater Conspiracy), added bass lines by “Crazy World” producer Rainer Fraenkel (The Miracle Mongers) and backing vocals by singer/model Sara Loera… all together create THE FREEKS « Crazy World ».
Ruben Romano – Vocals, Guitar, Bass, Drums, Percussion
Jonathan Hall – Vocals, Guitar, Bass,
Esteban Chavez – Keys, Synth
Ray Piller – Bass
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