DESERTFEST BELGIUM 2015: day schedule & tickets now available
As the lineup for DESERTFEST BELGIUM 2015 is now getting complete, day schedule as well as day tickets have been made available on the festival’s website. To cap things off, we have the pleasure to announce the ultimate batch of bands with burbling infernal doomsters BELZEBONG, raw psychedelic rockers MAUDLIN and infernal stoners DEVILLE to join the stage in Antwerp next month.
October 9-10-11th at Trix Muziekcentrum in Antwerp
Weekend & day tickets now available HERE
3-day tickets: 96€ // Friday only: 42€ // Saturday or Sunday only: 55€
Check out the lineup for each day at this location.
Desertfest Belgium 2015 lineup is as follows:
Earth, Goatsnake, Orange Goblin, Bongzilla, Fatso Jetson, Dozer, Moon Duo, Greenleaf, Valient Thorr, Ufomammut, Belzebong, Stoned Jesus, Causa Sui, Siena Root, Monolord, Mars Red Sky, Glowsun, Papir, Carlton Melton, Monomyth, Child, Harsh Toke, Planet Of Zeus, Deville, Pendejo, Vandal X, USA Out Of Vietnam, Banda De La Muerte, Tangled Horns, Psychonaut, The Progerians, Crystal Head, The Heavy Crown, Maudlin, Wheel Of Smoke, Sunder, Fever Dog, Black-Bone and 3rd Ear Experience.

Get more infos at www.desertfest.be
After a great first edition that saw the likes of Electric Wizard, Brant Bjork, Fu Manchu, Yob and dozens more tear down Antwerp, the DESERTFEST promoters decided to run their second Belgium edition this fall. Located in Antwerp outskirts, the Trix venue will once again host the world’s best heavy bands, spread over three stages drenched in that underground atmosphere we all love. Beware of the sandstorm!